Is there such thing as healthy scalp build up??
Rebecca dm'd me a question, "Is there such thing as healthy scalp build up?"
First of all, I LOVE getting questions and chatting!!
Secondly, there isn't really such a thing as good scalp build up. If you are a millenial, then we were taught that the less often we wash our hair, the better.
This is actually not the case. In order to have a healthy hair which stems from a healthy scalp, we need to make sure we are taking care of it. Regularly giving your scalp a massage ( I sell a massager here)
is helpful for exfoliation and unclogging clogged hair follicles.
Just by living life, everyone gets build up. Sweat, dust, hair products, pollution in the air, dirt etc etc are all causation for the inevitable build up.
While washing our hair daily is not good as it strips our hair of its' natural oils resulting in over production of oils in order to compensate. The flip side of washing hair only once a week or worse only once every 2 weeks can also pose problems due to causing irritation, clogged hair follicles due to lack of cleansing and overall an unhealthy scalp.
So we want to get rid of that build up by using a nice scalp massager 2x a week at least. Do not aggressively use, just gentle circular motions. I use it during the shampoo step of everything.
Much like our skin that we wash often to stay clean, we also must do this with our scalp. Really finding the right balance is very helpful. Not too often but not daily, the beautiful inbetween. WASH AT LEAST TWICE A WEEK YALL!!
Inbetween washes, you all know that I got No Poo Dry Shampoo to cover you. Heart y'all.